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9 Women Rights & Law Act in India You Must Know

women rights
  1. Right to equal pay: Equal Remuneration Act (1976) – This women right provides for payment of equal remuneration to both men and women workers for the same work or work of a similar nature. It also prevents discrimination on the ground of sex, against women in recruitment and service conditions.
  2. Right against harassment at the workplaceSexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013 – provides protection to women from sexual harassment at all workplaces both in public and private sector, whether organized or unorganized. The Authority in Faridabad responsible for ensuring the compliance of this Act in their District are taking a lot of efforts to ensure the safety of women in Faridabad and by the matter of Facts now a lot of workplaces in Faridabad have Started Complying with the said act. If any women suffer from these types of situations at the workplace then you can contact the Best Advocate in Faridabad.
  3. Rights against exploitationProtection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 – comprehensive legislation to protect women rights in India from all forms of domestic violence. It also covers women who have been/are in a relationship with the abuser and are subjected to violence of any kind—physical, sexual, mental, verbal or emotional. Many camps were recently organized by the authorities in Faridabad to increase the awareness of the Domestic workers in Faridabad regarding this law.
  4. Right to maternity, medical and employment-related benefitsMaternity Benefit Act (1961) – regulates the employment of women in certain establishments for certain period before and after childbirth and provides for maternity benefit and certain other benefits. Equal Remuneration Act (1976) provides for payment of equal remuneration to both men and women workers for the same work or work of a similar nature. It also prevents discrimination on the ground of sex, against women in recruitment and service conditions. Many Companies in Faridabad have started to offer such benefits to the women which were earlier kept away from them.
  5. Right against female foeticideMedical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 – provides for the termination of certain pregnancies by registered medical practitioners on humanitarian and medical grounds. Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Technique (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994, prohibits sex selection before or after conception and prevents the misuse of pre-natal diagnostic techniques for sex determination leading to female foeticide.
  6. Right to free legal aidLegal Services Authorities Act (1987) – provides free legal services to Indian women. It is mandatory for the Station House Officer (SHO) to inform the legal service authorities to arrange for a lawyer. There is Legal Aid Cell in Faridabad District Court, Sector 12 where any women who want to seek free legal aid can contact the Authorities and can get a Lawyer in Faridabad to represent her.
  7. Right not to be arrested at night – A woman cannot be arrested after sunset and before sunrise except in exceptional cases on orders on First Class Magistrate.
  8. Right to dignity and decency [Article 51-A(e)] – It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women.
  9. Right to property: Hindu Succession Act, 1956 – recognizes the right of women to inherit parental property equally with men.

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