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Procedure for Applying Bail in Faridabad District and Sessions Court

Procedure for Applying Bail

What happens when a person is Arrested? 

Firstly the Person is taken to the Police Station, which has the Jurisdiction over the Case. Then the Investigation Officer who is Investigating regarding the case for which the accused is booked records the Information such as Name, Age, Address etc.

In Case the Offence for which the accused is booked is Bailable then the Bail will be allowed immediately by furnishing the Bail Amount. As the Bail is a matter of Right here.

In Case the Offence is Non-Bailable then the Accused would have to file a Bail Application by any Lawyer in Faridabad. As granting of Bail is up to the discretion of the court.

Bail Hearing in the Court for Non-Bailable Offences 

“Bail is a Right, Jail is an exception” This is an underlying principle while deciding matters pertaining to Bail. Court in usual Circumstances grants Bail in Non – Bailable offences as well unless the Court is of the opinion that the Accused would be an obstruction to the investigation in the Case or Prima Facie the Accused is Guilty of such a grievous of offense that it would be dangerous for the society if such person moves freely in public.

The Bail Amount in Non- Bailable offenses is ascertained by the Court and the Accused applying for Bailable offenses have to Deposit that in order to get bail.


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