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Corporate Contract Drafting Services In Faridabad, INDIA

Corporate Contract Drafting Services

Drafting a contract is the act of writing the details of the contract to outline the obligation of both the parties to the contract to make them understand their legal responsibilities.
The definition of agreement means the act of coming to a mutual decision, position, or arrangement. An example of an agreement is the decision between two people to share the rent in an apartment.
Proper knowledge of the types of contracts is cardinal as it will allow you to decide the legal outgrowth of agreement .

ATTORNEYS are considered the safest bet for drafting and /or review of a contract, for they are not only well-versed with the applicable law but are a part of the day-to-day legal happenings even know the construction and interpretation of certain terms that call for disputes.

It must clearly state that the document is your durable power of attorney and that you understand that the powers given apply if you are crippled.

It’s easily done: following months of negotiations, a draft contract is ready for signature but other things take preference, work begins and the contract never gets signed.

An agreement is an externalisation of mutual assent by two or more persons to one another. It is a meeting of the minds with a common intention and is made through offer and acceptance.


The three most common contract types include:

  1. Fixed-price contracts.
  2. Extortionate contracts.
  3. Time and materials contracts.

Extortionate means is any means that involves the use, or an express or inferable threat of use, of bloodshed, or other illegitimate means to cause harm to the person or property of the mortgagor or any member of his family.

LEGALLY BINDING The convincing Contract as debate in the topic of ‘’indispensable of a contract” is an agreement that is legally binding and enforceable. It must qualify all the indispensable of a contract.

An express contract has terms that are stated faultlessly, or openly, in either writing or orally, at the time of contract formation. These are the kinds of contracts that most people think of when they think of contracts.
contracts that are considered unjust by being unfairly weighted to give an advantage to one side over the other.

These terms can be regarded as unethical as per the Indian Contract Act.

  • A limit on the damages a party may receive for breach of contract.
  • A limit on the rights of a party to seek satisfaction in court.
  • An inability to have a warranty honoured.


The services offered by BAKSHI & ASSOCIATES network of corporate lawyers in Faridabad include:

  1. Drafting a contract is the act of writing the details of the contract to blueprint the accountability of both the parties to the contract to make them appreciate their legal rights and importance.
  2. Negotiating the provisions of legal documents with other parties.
  3. Drafting of all kinds of legal documents as per the requirements of the business and the nature of the transaction.
  4. Registration of documents with the right authorities.
  5. A contract to set oneself against someone or something to a governmental procedure is also unconstitutional.

Drafting a contract is the act of writing the details of the contract to outline the obligation of both the parties to the contract to make them understand their legal responsibilities.

The definition of agreement means the act of coming to a mutual decision, position, or arrangement. An example of an agreement is the decision between two people to share the rent in an apartment

Proper knowledge of the types of contracts is cardinal as it will allow you to decide the legal outgrowth of an agreement.

In case of matter pertaining to Corporate Contract Drafting Services In Faridabad you can contact –

Advocate Anmol Raj Bakshi

Office – 2043/16 Faridabad – 121002, Near Jain Mandir

Also At – Chamber No.272, District & Sessions Court, Faridabad.

Mobile – +91-9873750515, 9811680103


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