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LGBTQ Rights

6th of September 2018 was like any other lazy Thursday for us, but not for a large portion of people, something momentous happened that day, it was the day that the Supreme Court of India passed a revolutionary verdict of the landmark case known as National legal services Authority V. Union of India that decriminalized the decade long British era law SECTION 377 that criminalized same-sex marriage /relationship.

What Is LGBTQ?

LGBT OR GLBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, these terms are used to describe a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, Q is seen at the end of LGBTQ, it can also mean questioning .this term describes someone who is questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Homosexuality In INDIA

Despite homosexuality been decriminalized the laws are still a little hostile towards the LGBTQ the reason being is the gap between the legislative and judicial development although decriminalization has given them the right to live, cohabit and conduct their personal affairs without any fear but still, they are denied equality in many social aspects. According to a survey done in 2019 62% of the respondents said that they didn’t approve of same sex marriage. Indian judiciary decriminalized the LGBTQ but still, there is a long way to go for the people of this country to accept this concept, there were many cases of “unequal” behavior towards them like a simple request to open a joint account, religious heads denying getting them married, been recognized as two brothers, two sisters or two friends living together, if I were to put in a sentence I would say that there is no particular vocabulary for these couples.

In my opinion, India has come a long way from the abolition of sati to the annulling of triple talaq, the conservative nature of Indian society should not be allowed to be roadblocks in the path of development. If we as a country aspire to become a superpower we as a citizen first have to respect the sexual preferences of our people.

In case of any doubts in matter pertaining to Fundamental Rights  in Faridabad you can contact –

Advocate Sunil Kumar Bakshi

Office – 2043/16 Faridabad – 121002, Near Jain Mandir

Also At – Chamber No.272, District & Sessions Court, Faridabad.

Mobile – +91-9873750515, 9811680103


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