Legal ProceduresWill Registration In Faridabad – Process & ComplianceMadhuri BakshiDecember 3, 2019 by Madhuri Bakshi2383 As per the Indian laws which are applicable in district Faridabad (Haryana), inheritance and succession of the property of a deceased are governed by the...
Law & PolicySeparating Husband from His Parents will now be treated as a valid Ground for getting DivorceMadhuri BakshiMarch 27, 2019 by Madhuri Bakshi562 A Divorce that is filed by one party and the other party defends the same comes under the category of Contested Divorce, That as per...
Legal ProceduresContested Divorce – Complete Procedure Beginning to EndMadhuri BakshiFebruary 22, 2019February 22, 2019 by Madhuri Bakshi335 Divorce is a way by which 2 parties who are in a matrimonial relationship can end their marriage if it is not possible for them...
Law & Policy9 Women Rights & Law Act in India You Must KnowMadhuri BakshiFebruary 22, 2019February 22, 2019 by Madhuri Bakshi329 Right to equal pay: Equal Remuneration Act (1976) – This women right provides for payment of equal remuneration to both men and women workers for...
Law & PolicyRights of Maintenance under Indian LawsMadhuri BakshiJune 11, 2018October 17, 2018 by Madhuri Bakshi398 MAINTENANCE UNDER INDIAN LAWS – With a Divorce Proceeding there comes to a lot of Legal issues that are to be dealt by the Wife...